Professional Development
Management Acceleration Program (MAP)
The Region VII MAP is an accelerated training program designed to provide Directors, Managers and staff new to Head Start or their positions a solid foundation of Head Start principles and management practices. The mission and history of the Head Start Program are integrated into the training content.
Participants being a professional development journey that takes them through a continuum of learning of all head Start key areas required for the improved success at the grantee level. Participants also gain experience in the area of direct application. Program Governanace, Fiscal managment, Internal Monitoring systems and Rick management, as well as areas of the Head Start performance Standards are fully integrated into the training content. Training will be held in the greater Kansas City area October 7-10, 2013. Mernell King, CMCA & Georgia Sheriff, Character Counts in Iowa will serve as 2013/2014 I Trainers. The Management Acceleration Program (MAP) was developed through a partnership of: Region VII Administration for Children and Families, Region VII TA System (ICF International), and R7HSA
Click Here for Registration Details
Annual Directors Caucus
2016 Planning Underway
2015 Presentions
Annual Leadership Conference
“The Guilding Principles of Leadership”
Was held June 10 – 13, 2013 at the Sheraton Hotel at Crown Center, Kansas City, MO.
Planning for the 2014 conference is well underway. The 2014 Leadership Conference will be held in the Greater Kansas City area.
Check back here in the near future for more details. .