PAXIS Institute is an international prevention science company that researches, develops, implements, and disseminates evidence-based prevention strategies that create a meaningful impact in real-world applications at the local, regional, and population level.
PAX, Latin for peace, is the title of a set of original evidence-based preventive interventions from PAXIS Institute designed for stakeholders spanning the youth system of care to provide evidence-based strategies to all adults who work with children and ensure Peace, Productivity, Health, and Happiness for everyone.
PAXIS Institute
PO Box 31205
Tucson, AZ 85751
Jeanette Puskas, Director of Programming and Support
We're here to help. Talk to a head start expert now!
Our Mission
The Mission of the Region VII Head Start Association is to ensure quality services for children and families by promoting and supporting the effectiveness of State Head Start Associations, Local Head Start Programs, and members.